19 In Homepage/ Life

Miss America 2018- Behind the Scenes

This year I often found myself looking at social media to remind me what state I was in the day before. My last two week as Miss America however, I was looking at pictures to remind myself what I did that morning. From 5 am morning shoots to Judges Dinners, it was a crazy week filled with nostalgic moments and snapping pictures along the way.  In this posts I’m sharing everything from what was on social media, and all the behind the scenes.

And so the end began..

Fav new hat that makes me feel important: Shop RiffRaff

Praise the Lord for sweet friends and encouraging cards.


Miss America Arrival

LOVED this Antonio Melani Dress from Dillards in Pinnacle Hills, Rogers.

My “living my best life” facial expressions.

Your Miss America 2018 Class! (I’m counting myself in the class)

The one, the only, Landon the Intern.

YOUR MISS ARKANSAS! I am so proud of this woman. Her love for others and life is contagious and I know I speak for the state of Arkansas when I say we are beyond proud.


Miss America Serves

My favorite part about this picture is that it doubles as a rap album cover….

But more importantly, it shows what the Miss America Organization is all about. So thankful I was able to participate with this years class in their “Miss America Serves” day in Atlantic City.


Impromptu New York Trip

-With KarBear

Karen appreciation pic, how beautiful is my mom? WHAT.

Every single time I went to New York this year I made a stop at my all time favorite place, Blue Stone Lane on Geenwhich. #savvychoices

*please note the ridiculously huge bubble homeboy is creating*

Peace, Love, and Portrait Mode.

Central Park has my heart. As does this adorable tank from: Shop Maude

Not pictured, a man in a lime green jacket jumping into the fountain, obviously living his best life.


Judges Dinner: Night One

One of my fav outfits. Love this skirt and leotard Gianni Bini combo from Dillards in Pinnacle Hills.

This is not a drill, my face was painted on the wall next to other Miss Americas. BLESS IT.

Got the half open smile and everything.


Day Two of Appearances and Judges Dinner

Can you say Ecotools? Kattie Hansen and I were so thankful for the unbelievable amount of brushes Ecotools gave us to get Miss America ready every night… *new tutorial coming soon:)*

Art Major/Flower Hippie coming at cha live.

Love the lace and formal designs on this number from Dillards in Pinnacle Hills, and these electric blue shoes are my fav.

Your amazing Prelim Judges.

“and she laughs at the days to come…”


Prelim Night One


I mean… Is Kattie Hansen‘s work even real?

Can’t hold the serious pose for too long…

Thank you so much Ashley Renee’s for this killer Sherri Hill.

I don’t know what sweet girl is doing here…

You all, Denna Blizzard is amazing.

Your Prelim Night 1 Winners!

More Kattie Hansen appreciation. Thanks for being my big sister.


Prelim Day 2 

Had to make a stop to see my favorite people.

Thanks again to Ashley Renee’s for making me a golden girl for night 2!

YAS Buffie’s All The Rage slays the game again. I LOVE this number and did not want to change.

Giving my final speech as Miss America in my Sherri Hill from Buffie’s All The Rage. What a special moment.


3 a.m., Day Three of Prelims/ Filming for TV Night 

Filming for the first scene of the opening show was hilarious, but also beautiful. You all know I love a good sunrise.

Taken from Kattir’s instastory. My Show Me Your Shoes outfit cleverly hidden under the American Flag Emoji.

I had too… 🙂

ft. Nate Wolfe

Night Three with the Miss A Class of 2018. Love these girls so much you guys.

This Sherri Hill from Buffie’s All The Rage…..I mean..



Last Full Day As Miss America

Was able to do my last Interview as Miss America with DCP in Boardwalk Hall overlooking the ocean.. Happiness.

Also walked across the Boardwalk praying that my heels wouldn’t slip through the cracks of panels…

Your Hostess! Such amazing humans.



YALL. I cried the first time I put my costume and shoes on. I was able to draw it out and design it myself on a piece of paper which the unbelievably talented Shelly Kelly of Jonesboro, AR brought to life!


Shoes found and bedazzled by none other than the myth, the legend, Mom America, KarBear.

I love parades so much:)

Again, I don’t know how to explain myself…

Extremely thankful for these beautiful souls, and for spray tan parties.


The Final Hours 

Met with the celebrity judges the morning of the final night, so naturally- face and life by: Kattie Hansen.

So thankful to share the moment before my farewell with one of my greatest friends. Forever thankful for you, Kattie Hansen.

Putting on the shiny hat one last time..

I just like the black/white filter too..

Thank you so much Buffie’s All The Rage for this rocking number. Loved getting to wear one of your dresses on National TV.

Dress Number Two for the night from She Said Yes!! Loved this shimmery number, and you all know I love a LBD.

My heart.

Karen appreciation post, because there is absolutely no way I could have done this year without the greatest mom, and the best friend, in the world. I love you.

Photo taken by my girl, Courtney Halligan.

Final looks before taking the stage.

 Being your Miss America was the greatest honor of my life. I can’t thank you all enough for making this year so special.

My hot lawyer BF.

There is a special place in heaven for pageant boyfriends.

Your Miss America 2018, Cara Mund!! So so proud and happy for this beautiful soul.

Again, it has been the greatest and hardest year of my life, and I can not thank you all enough for being there every single step of the way. I love you all so much.


So so much love,

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  • Reply
    September 15, 2017 at 4:43 am

    Thanks for the pictures. We love you Savvy. Such a beautiful light <3

  • Reply
    September 15, 2017 at 12:21 pm

    You’re such an inspiration to all young women! I hope to get the chance to meet you one day! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the rest of your life! Thank you for your year of service! You have set the bar for all Miss Americas. We love you Savvy!

    • Reply
      Savvy Shields
      September 15, 2017 at 8:32 pm

      Brittany! I know our paths will cross one day.. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog!

  • Reply
    Susan Haney
    September 15, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Savvy I love your beautiful heart ❤️ and that’s what shines through to radiate through your God given beauty. I am so happy and proud for you and for us in Arkansas. You will forever be our special Miss America. This is a wonderful blog. I love the pictures and the comments. You man is handsomely gorgeous. Your mom is absolutely beautiful. I want to know her beauty secrets. I wish you every happiness and success in life and hope to see you around town ? God bless you for the love and joy and happiness you have spread across America.

    • Reply
      Savvy Shields
      September 15, 2017 at 8:31 pm

      Susan! Thank you so much for this sweet message, this year was so special because of people like you. So much love.

  • Reply
    Ursula & Marc Klinger
    September 15, 2017 at 9:38 pm

    Savvy! Honestly, it’s been a few years since we sat and watched a pageant from start to finish. This year we did. Because of you! The time we were able to spend “playing balloons” with you will forever be a treasured memory. You are so genuine and full of life! So.. thanks for the memories and we hope we made at least a few hours of the beautiful Miss America’s day as much fun as the joy you gave us. Where ever life takes you, as we say in ballooning, “Soft Landings!”

  • Reply
    September 15, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    Love you, Savvy! Thank you for representing Arkansas, U of A, Kappa, Fayetteville and America with poise and grace!

  • Reply
    Caitlyn M.
    September 15, 2017 at 11:09 pm

    Thank you so much for serving as such an amazing Miss America! It has been an absolute pleasure to follow you this year and to have someone as humble and down to earth to look up too! Forever my favorite Miss America! ❤️

  • Reply
    Andrea M Worley
    September 16, 2017 at 12:04 am

    Best heart. And one of the best Miss America’s yet!

  • Reply
    September 16, 2017 at 1:34 am

    Congratulations on all of your successes you are amazing ! You are a wonderful role model for young girls !!! Luck in your future it is bright !!! ????♥️???????????

  • Reply
    September 16, 2017 at 1:36 am

    Good luck in your future !!

  • Reply
    Sadie Frame
    September 16, 2017 at 1:07 pm

    You are literally my inspiration!!! You have the sweetest spirit and brightest smile and I’ve basically been watching your journey this whole year and honestly have learned so much from you! As I’m trying to get into the Miss America Organization, being my young 17 year old self, I hope that one day I can half the person you are beauty and personality! I absoloutly adore all of your pictures you post, including the outstanding dresses, and now can’t see wait to see what you have next to accomplish! Thank you for being you and being an incredible inspiration and role model! Love, love, love you!!!

  • Reply
    September 16, 2017 at 11:56 pm

    Thank you for an amazing year Savvy! You truly set the bar high and did an amazing job as Miss America 2017! I so enjoyed keeping up with your journey and am looking forward to what lies ahead for you…I know it will be great!

    Question for you 🙂 What brand are your nude strap heels? I love that they have a platform. I’m only able to find ones without a platform. Thanks!

    • Reply
      Savvy Shields
      October 27, 2017 at 6:16 pm

      McKenna! Thank you for taking the time to write this sweet message! Means so much..
      And those shoes are my fav too! They are Gianni Bini! So comfortable too!

  • Reply
    Emily Huiet
    September 17, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    savvy, i hope our paths will cross someday!! you have been the best miss america i have ever seen. i have heard good things about your blog, so i decided to check it out:) thank you for being a wonderful miss america, savvy. we love you❤

  • Reply
    September 19, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    Sav, I wanna see some jewelry blogs maybe. I know you sometimes tag them on insta! For example, you had some killer Kendra Scott earrings in an insta live during the last week of Miss A and I can’t even remember what they looked like now!

  • Reply
    September 23, 2017 at 8:12 pm

    You have truly inspired me throughout this year. As a kid with medical conditions and trips to CMN hospitals, your wisdom and courage has inspired me to be like you someday. You have such a beautiful heart and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you. We have been beyond lucky to have you as our Miss America this year!

    • Reply
      Savvy Shields
      October 27, 2017 at 6:08 pm

      Grace, thank YOU. This message means so much, can not tell you enough how closely I hold these words to my heart. So much love!

  • Reply
    Sarah Nail
    November 20, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    You made that week at Miss America so much fun. It’s not so much as winning, which certainly added excitement, but watching you and listening to you at visitation was great. It was your personality and performance that brought our friends from all across America telling us that they were sure you would win, that swelled our heads. But we knew how special you were and no one had to tell us that!!I have your ballerina print proudly displayed in my house. I will look for more of your art as you post it.

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